Where do you come from? Well, where are you now? Pourian draws it out with wet paint, fingers deep in the mud, air thick with steam. These are lines to stick in the earth, scratching around ’til something viscous bubbles forth. Make yourself a hole, then it’s straight down the hatch, bound for the fires deep down in the core.
where i come from
electrically rolled in wind
spit up heat
all over under clothes
sky lights blood
pink squandered babies
hammered gold clutched
threaded through flesh
moldy placeholder of
mossy bed
stamen stains
crushed petals sunned
some asses jiggled
curiosity’s face
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The First 72+ envisions a world where prior incarceration is not a barrier to secure housing, employment, and community acceptance. Their mission is to stop the cycle of incarceration by fostering independence and self-sustainability through education, stable and secure housing & employment, health care, and community engagement.